Wysoka jakość obsługi = więcej sprzedaży
Receive your customer with the same experience online
Closer zapewni Twojej firmie narzędzia pozwalające na obsługę klienta na najwyższym poziomie
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Why Closer?

Ad quo audire prompta, ut cum ignota adversarium, pro albucius scripserit ea. Te vero intellegebat pro, ea ius legendos splendide. Mei ut sale postulant, labitur dolorem efficiendi pri no. Ad quo audire prompta, ut cum ignota.

Name Name
Copywriter, Closer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, quas option nec ei, has in autem invidunt. Te vero intellegebat pro, ea ius legendos splendide. Mei ut sale postulant, labitur dolorem efficiendi pri no.

Name Name
Copywriter, Closer

Te vero intellegebat pro, ea ius legendos splendide. Mei ut sale postulant, labitur dolorem efficiendi pri no. Ad quo audire prompta, ut cum ignota adversarium, pro albucius scripserit ea.

Name Name
Copywriter, Closer

Ad quo audire prompta, ut cum ignota adversarium, pro albucius scripserit ea. Te vero intellegebat pro, ea ius legendos splendide. Mei ut sale postulant, labitur dolorem efficiendi pri no. Ad quo audire prompta, ut cum ignota.

Name Name
Copywriter, Closer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, quas option nec ei, has in autem invidunt. Te vero intellegebat pro, ea ius legendos splendide. Mei ut sale postulant, labitur dolorem efficiendi pri no.

Name Name
Copywriter, Closer

Te vero intellegebat pro, ea ius legendos splendide. Mei ut sale postulant, labitur dolorem efficiendi pri no. Ad quo audire prompta, ut cum ignota adversarium, pro albucius scripserit ea.

Name Name
Copywriter, Closer
Take online sales to the next level
Closer is a virtual selling tool that uses an AI powered communicator
Video & Voice

Video and voice calls are the fastest and the most engaging modes of communication. Closer makes it easy to turn from chat into video/audio and other way around.

Share your screen
with customers

An image is worth a thousand words. Share your screen with customers to make sure that you are on the same page.

Advanced NLP bots

Most websites leak. Clients pop in and dropout. Chatbots are great to start a conversation with a client, grab some data, and handoff to an adviser.

AI-dialog suggestions

Focus on the core things, and let the machines do the typical work for you. AI algorithms pick up your customers' questions and suggest the answers. You can use it, edit or skip the suggestion.


Customers start conversations with texting, rather than calling. Make it your advantage and use Closer webchat to attract your audience.

Schedule meeting

Be proactive. Schedule a meeting with your customer while you are still having a conversation. Just choose the “schedule meeting” widget or let the chatbot do it for you.

Unlimited file uploads

Closer gives you the opportunity to transfer files both ways with your client. It is fast and easy. It also makes your “to-do list” after the meeting shorter. Masters of work organization say not to postpone action. We give you this option.

Custom actions

Using custom actions makes it easy to answer customers' needs. Adviser can choose one of  it to start a video or voice call, schedule a meeting, turn into presentation mode or more.

assignment rules

Matching customers with advisers is based on tags, adviser skills, context, availability, and other factors - ensuring a perfect match and an instant response.

Cross-device continuity

Keeping conversation is important. Sometimes your client will need to left his desktop but would like to maintain your conversation. Or just his device will discharge. With Closer, it is easy and seamless to continue the conversation on another device. You can also be sure that even if your customer will end your chat, you can still write and your message will
be sent to client’s email.

Prezentacja ofert i produktów
Prezentuj treści, oferty, produkty, aby zwiększyć sprzedaż
  • Zaprezentuj swoje produkty podczas prezentacji wideo w czasie rzeczywistym i zrób dobre wrażenie

  • Udostępniaj pliki, takie jak dokumenty, zdjęcia, aby wzbogacić doświadczenia zakupowe klientów

  • Wyróżnij się dostarczając klientom wysoką jakość nie tylko swojej oferty, ale i obsługi klienta.

Video, Voice, Chat & Messaging solutions
Endless possibilities for better customer communication
  • Communicate on a high-level from anywhere and never miss out on a opportunity to close a deal

  • Let your customer choose where he talks to you from, any of his devices can serve him to get in touch

  • Use voice, video and chat to talk to your customer the way he likes and never miss any of his messages

Rozwiązania komunikacyjne oparte na Sztucznej Inteligencji
Automatyzuj pracę obsługi klienta, tam gdzie jest to potrzebne
  • Sugestie AI

  • boty NLU, chatboty

  •  Lekta.ai, dialogflow

Zintegruj Closera z systemami, których używasz

Naszym celem jest umożliwienie Ci płynnego kontynuowania procesu sprzedaży dzięki aplikacjom, których lubisz używać i które są kluczowym elementem tego procesu.

Closer dla dużych firm

Closer to nie tylko rozwiązanie SaaS, ale doskonale wpisuje się w wymagania dużych firm.


Closer as a virtual selling platform answers the needs of countless industries, though it is highly recommended by representatives of the following branches.